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Source of Human Behaviour in Joey's Theory ❤️🌏🙏🏽

Source of Human Behaviour in Joey's Theory

Joey's Theory proposes that insecurity is the root cause of all human behaviour, except for love, which is the complete absence of insecurity. This perspective suggests that behaviours we often interpret as negative, such as anger, aggression, violence, bullying, or even depression, stem from a lack of security and are essentially cries for help or validation.

The theory views these seemingly negative behaviours as manifestations of deeper fears and insecurities, often stemming from past experiences or trauma. These insecurities drive individuals to seek validation and a sense of control, often at the expense of others.

The theory emphasizes that everyone experiences fear and insecurity. However, the degree to which these emotions dominate an individual's actions and thoughts determines their position on the "Ladder of Insecurity". This metaphorical ladder represents a spectrum of behaviours, with milder forms of insecurity, such as self-doubt, at the bottom, and more extreme expressions, such as violence and self-harm, at the top.

By understanding that most behaviours, even those deemed negative, are often driven by underlying insecurities, Joey's Theory encourages a shift in perspective. It suggests that instead of judging or condemning these behaviours, we should approach them with understanding and compassion. This involves recognizing that individuals acting out of insecurity are essentially seeking validation and security.

Joey's Theory argues that by offering genuine love, security, and validation, we can help individuals heal from their insecurities and move down the "Ladder of Insecurity" towards more positive and loving behaviours. This transformation is illustrated by the story of Joey, the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, whose fear-based behaviours, such as biting, were overcome when his caretaker focused on providing a safe and loving environment. This transformation underscores the idea that love can heal and build trust, empowering both the giver and the receiver.

The sources suggest that by embracing love as a guiding force, we can foster a society where security and validation are readily available, leading to a collective shift toward more compassionate and harmonious interactions.

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